Shyla Jennings XXX VIDEOS

Shyla Jennings
  • Aliases: Whoa Shyla, Shyla Jenning
  • Born: 1989-06-16 (35 y.o)
  • Birthplace: United States , Stuttgart
  • Height: 158 cm (62.2 inch)
  • Weight: 48 kg (105.8 lbs)

Despite her bisexuality, the actress is still being shot exclusively in lesbian scenes. In ordinary life, she has an intimate relationship with men and sometimes even excessive. Once, in Los Angeles, she had sex with a married couple. In her native Texas, in the city of Baton Rouge, she alarmed the life of this small town, having sex on the roof of her car, during the daytime. Residents even called the police, but the conflict was settled peacefully and the girl was released.

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