Elicia Solis

Elicia Solis
  • Aliases: Elicia Solace, Elicia Solice
  • Born: 1980-07-20 (44 y.o)
  • Birthplace: United Kingdom , London
  • Height: 165 cm (65.0 inch)
  • Weight: 51 kg (112.5 lbs)

Elicia Solis is originally from the UK, but has a Spanish background, which is clearly reflected in her appearance. It is this fact, most likely, that played the main role in the choice of the life path. The searing brunette searched for herself for a long time, and, I must say, everywhere she succeeded to some extent. But the uncontrollable Spanish temperament and sexuality still led her into pornography, where she with incredible speed achieved great popularity. Since 2010, the beauty has firmly taken the leading position in the rating of pornomodels.

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