Cassie Laine

Cassie Laine
  • Aliases: Cassie Lane
  • Born: 1992-10-23 (32 y.o)
  • Birthplace: United States , Los Angeles
  • Height: 155 cm (61.0 inch)
  • Weight: 43 kg (94.8 lbs)

For a short period of time, the actress became quite popular and firmly occupied her niche in the pornographic industry. She has more than ten short films of up to thirty minutes in length, the subject of which is mostly demonstrated by the love of lesbians. Like many novice models, the girl took her first steps, starring in short films, along with other young actresses in group scenes. She greedily took over the experience of professionals of this genre, got used to the requirements and learned to fulfill the wishes of the directors without paying attention to the cameras.